My goal for this upcoming week is to finish my video on femalestereotypes, which I am going to use in my presentation. It will contain pictures of celebrities who either have been stereotyped or represent a female stereotype. Also, facts about stereotyping in literature vs. the media will be presented as well. I want to teach the class about female stereotypes, where they exsit, and why they do as well. I will be briefly discussing the books I have read, Daisy Miller by Henry James, a few snipets of Washington Sqaure, and Breakfast at Tiffanies. Other previous readings that contributed to my research was Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Along with my video, I will explain my 4th quarter project and do a sample activity with the class. I really hope my presentation goes over well.
I will also continue working on my project...
Friday, May 30, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
One part down...two more to go
Now I have a few weeks to focus on my project and my presentation. I have started to create an outline for the what items I want to put into my curriculum plan. My goal is to complete everything as soon as the rest of the year can be a breeze. My presentation is going to be on June 4th - I am gonig to use one of the worksheets my class would do to show the kids what I have been working on. I hope to get the class into a big discussion about women sterotypes and get their views on the subject.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Finally handing it in....
I want to finish the paper by tuesday afternoon because it is due by friday.
I have to complete the final body paragrah and conclusion.
After the paper is due, I want to start finalizing the calendar for my year long curriculum plan for my final project.
I have to complete the final body paragrah and conclusion.
After the paper is due, I want to start finalizing the calendar for my year long curriculum plan for my final project.
Monday, May 5, 2008
A few more weeks left...
This week for class I continued to research women in literature and the media. There are a lot of interesting sources about the portrayal of women. For the research paper, I have begun to formulate my ideas coherently in bullet type statements, which will later be incorporated into my opening and body paragraphs. I want to have a rough draft finished by the weekend. I hope to finish the paper early next week. Also, I continued to read my book – I am half way done – it is very interesting; the character of Daisy Miller seems to be a typical, flirtatious, young woman. I hope to finish this portion of the book by the weekend and begin Washington Square by Henry James. This is a similar story but at the same time it has a much different twist.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Still reading =[
This week my goal is to finish my current novel Daisy Miller and Washington Square. They are two separate stories with two different characters whose personalities are complete opposites. This is an important piece that completes the curriculum cause it is a great comparison of two different types of women. This will be a good platform for my research project along with many other sources about stereotypes in literature and the media. I also plan to start brainstorming ideas for my creative project – the basics mostly. I have created a calendar for the entire school year – which is also a good basis for the project. Also, I found out that there is a movie made based on Daisy Miller.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
And the final quarter begins...
As the final quarter begins, I have chosen to do my final project on the portrayal of women in literature verses women in the media – focusing on the stereotypes women are associated with. This topic is very interesting to me because as the time change, so does the way women are presented. My project idea is to use this theme as the “theme of the year” for the English class and create a whole curriculum based off of it. There will be at least two novels and one play that connect to this theme, plus a lot of criticism and other information to discuss. Breakfast at Tiffanys by Truman Copete is one of the novels I have chosen to use because it shows a woman in a more promiscuous and negative manner. Compared to television shows like Judge Judy and Grey’s Anatomy [to an extent] women are portrayed as stronger more successful characters. The media has portrayed women if different ways throughout the years. Questia is a great source for criticism on this subject; I have looked and researched the subject and found great sources. My overall project will include activities, worksheets, slideshows, reading material, and paragraphs explaining why I chose to include everything in the portfolio.
Friday, March 28, 2008
A Six Week Recap = ]
Since this is the final blog of this marking period, that is being graded anyway, I would like to comment on all three books that I have read within the last six weeks.
First, The Sunflower, by Simon Wiesenthal was a very interesting novel on the subject of Wiesenthal’s horrifying experience in the Holocaust. He is confronted with a life altering decision of forgiveness. Similarly, the issue of forgiveness is relevant in today’s society because people constantly make mistakes which require forgiveness. Whether or not a person forgives is entirely up to them and the circumstances of the situation. This book not only was an unforgettable tale but also it was series of interesting responses to the story. The responses in the book were filled with supportive statements and negative feedback. Overall, I would recommend this book in total to anyone who is interested in the Holocaust or just about life decisions.

The second book I read was The Tortilla Curtain, by T.C Boyle. This book was a page turner as you journeyed with Candido and his wife America across the border into California. Yet the book only begins to get exciting when his “life” crashes into an upper-class white man’s car. From then on, both lives are intertwined until the final scene where even the most hateful thoughts for a person could be put a side. This book has tremendous relevance to the present day because illegal Mexican immigration is still a major issue. The final project I am going to complete is a research essay on Mexican immigration – which will include all the facts one needs to be savvy in this area. I recommend this book to students who enjoy reading. Although the book is a little long, it is a page turner so do not worry!
The final novel I will comment on is Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. This is a unique novel that entwines recipes and cooking into the daily life of the protagonist Tita. This is an original writing structure that I was impressed with. Not only did the recipes begin each chapter, but also they were woven into the chapter’s events. This book is an original but can be considered similar to some classics that we have read. The piece writing I am finishing at the moment is a further analysis of this book compared to Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Both have many similarities but I am not going into detail otherwise it will ruin the essay. I recommend this book to girls who want to read a very good novel that has an ending you will NEVER expect.
The next blogs on my readings will commence at the beginning of the final marking period. Till then I hope you enjoy my future blogs about topics that interest me.
The second book I read was The Tortilla Curtain, by T.C Boyle. This book was a page turner as you journeyed with Candido and his wife America across the border into California. Yet the book only begins to get exciting when his “life” crashes into an upper-class white man’s car. From then on, both lives are intertwined until the final scene where even the most hateful thoughts for a person could be put a side. This book has tremendous relevance to the present day because illegal Mexican immigration is still a major issue. The final project I am going to complete is a research essay on Mexican immigration – which will include all the facts one needs to be savvy in this area. I recommend this book to students who enjoy reading. Although the book is a little long, it is a page turner so do not worry!
The next blogs on my readings will commence at the beginning of the final marking period. Till then I hope you enjoy my future blogs about topics that interest me.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Food Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Immediately after reading page one of Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel, I could rest into the book was completed. The storyline creates the readers never-ending hate for Tita’s mother, Mama Elena, and the long-lasting love for Tita herself.
Essentially, the feelings one has after reading the book can be compared to the feelings one has when they watch a movie; the constant roller coaster of emotions as one learns that Tita the tragic hero of the novel must perish in the end. The aggression is created from the tradition that the La De Garza family has in place; the fact that the youngest daughter must stay to tend to her mother and can not marry is UNBELIEVABLE! This tradition disturbs me greatly. How can a mother deprive her daughter of marriage? Of having children? If any family actually abides by this tradition they are very cruel people. Each female has the same right to marry as the next; it is up to the daughter and her relationship to her mother which decides whether or not she tends to her mother when she is dying. Seriously, what was Mama Elena’s issue with Tita?
On a different note, let’s discuss a component of the novel that is also very interesting: the theme choice. The themes of passion and deception are woven throughout the novel. Pedro and Tita are in deep love but they are forbidden to be together.
Is this not like Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare just in Mexico? “Two star crossed lovers” who can not share their ever lasting love! Not only does the passion have similar parallels, but also the outcome could have been nothing different. Pedro had to die and Tita had to commit suicide to be with him; this is different of the legendary romance but is strangely related. Other themes of the novel include: friendship, betrayal and risk. But the overall theme that engulfs the entire novel is cooking. Recipes flow in and out of the chapters; they are part of Tita’s life and Esperenza’s. Cooking was the only escape Tita had to ride herself of the negative air her mother had about her. When the fire of the stove was snuffed out, so was Tita’s life.
Little did I know they made this book into a movie. According to the website Rotten Tomatoes many people enjoyed the film. There is both positive and negative feedback of the film. I am interested in seeing the movie and how it parallels to the book. One of scenes that sadden the heart is the wedding of Pedro and Tita's Sister. One knows how sad Tita is when she sees them walk down the aisle. It is a touching scene, and so I added it to this week's blog.

On a different note, let’s discuss a component of the novel that is also very interesting: the theme choice. The themes of passion and deception are woven throughout the novel. Pedro and Tita are in deep love but they are forbidden to be together.

Little did I know they made this book into a movie. According to the website Rotten Tomatoes many people enjoyed the film. There is both positive and negative feedback of the film. I am interested in seeing the movie and how it parallels to the book. One of scenes that sadden the heart is the wedding of Pedro and Tita's Sister. One knows how sad Tita is when she sees them walk down the aisle. It is a touching scene, and so I added it to this week's blog.

I am debating about writing a research paper on the subject of Mexican immigration in America – this theme stems from the previous novel I read, The Tortilla Curtain by T.C Boyle or possibly writing an analysis of this book. The topic I would write about is vague right now so I will have to think.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Life On A Differnt Planet
I regret to inform you that this week’s blog relates nothing to my independent projects that I am so feverishly working on. Instead, I have decided to discuss the ever popular question: Is there life on any other planet or moon besides the earth? This is a controversial topic in the astronomical science field and is discussed frequently. So is there life on mars? Scientists have deemed it possible. Recently, there was an article published on MSNBC regarding a newly taken photograph from one of NASA’s rovers that patrol the terrain on Mars. In a portion of one of the pictures one can see a shadowy figure or life form. Can this be real? There has been evidence to prove that there are the elements available on Mars to possibly procure a life form or at least support it.
Similarly, I recently discovered an article discussing whether or not Saturn’s moon contained life or not. This article struck my eye; typically, extraterrestrial life is thought to be on Mars of all planets, and Saturn is unique. Enceladus is one of Saturn's moons. The first inkling NASA had to life being on Saturn is due to the ice polar cap in the south. There is a ice water geyser that is going to explode so an orbiter is going to do a fly by –
this is the closest encounter to the moon we have ever had before. This is the second time though the US has seen the geyser on Saturn before. Scientists are depending on this orbit to collect water vapor; this will be used to further understand the composition of the terrain of Saturn. There is a possibility that micro biotic organisms could be living on this planet. The following article from TIME further analyzes Saturn and NASA’s plan to uncover the truth.
Personally, I would be awed if life was found on any other planet but our own. Not only will that be the greatest discovery since light but also it will change the world dramatically. Think about it. Is it possible that life can survive on Mars? On Saturn? Yet, I do not believe that aliens or extraterrestrial beings exist. Those are creations of our imaginations; they are not real, but I don’t doubt that organisms can be living on these two planets.
[ For all of those interested in what I am reading next for my independent projects, I am beginning to read For Water Like Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. I am really excited to read this novel, because many students have recommended it.]
Similarly, I recently discovered an article discussing whether or not Saturn’s moon contained life or not. This article struck my eye; typically, extraterrestrial life is thought to be on Mars of all planets, and Saturn is unique. Enceladus is one of Saturn's moons. The first inkling NASA had to life being on Saturn is due to the ice polar cap in the south. There is a ice water geyser that is going to explode so an orbiter is going to do a fly by –
Personally, I would be awed if life was found on any other planet but our own. Not only will that be the greatest discovery since light but also it will change the world dramatically. Think about it. Is it possible that life can survive on Mars? On Saturn? Yet, I do not believe that aliens or extraterrestrial beings exist. Those are creations of our imaginations; they are not real, but I don’t doubt that organisms can be living on these two planets.
[ For all of those interested in what I am reading next for my independent projects, I am beginning to read For Water Like Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. I am really excited to read this novel, because many students have recommended it.]
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Living the American Dream
I have researched the American dream and came across interesting stories about immigrants who have been cheated out of obtaining the American dream. The following link is to a video which contains a touching story of a woman who just wanted to provide for her children; she wanted to buy a home, but she was deceived by her boyfriend and a friend in the mortgage industry and is now in debt. All Isabel Frias wanted to do was provide a home for her children - instead her American Dream became an American Nightmare. Another video I have found on the CNN website outlines the views of the American people concerning the American Dream and its ties to the Bush Administration. The majority of the people in America believe the American dream is a lost cause; there is a slim chance one will achieve it. This video on real truth about the American Dream contains percentages of people and seems to be very accurate.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Two Entangling Fates
What an intense ending to a very interesting book! Two separate worlds collide; each unable to escape the other. Events keep on building which effect both the lives of Delaney Mossbacher, a white, upper-class American citizen and Candido Rincon, an illegal Mexican immigrant. A freak car accident, an out of control blazing fire, and finally a severe mudslide allows these two men's lives to intertwine.
But what makes this book so unique that it deserves much attention? Is it the style? Is it the character development? Or is it the plot? The answer is none of the above. The core aspect of the novel The Tortilla Curtain by T.C Boyle that makes it extremely interesting is the consistent juxtaposition of the tribulations Whites and Mexicans both face. As you read you begin to develop the same hate as the characters possess in the novel, hate that you can not believe you have. I was astonished with my own feelings towards Candido and at times Delaney as well. Also, the novel contains the themes of racism, the American Dream, and survival. Each theme is heavily portrayed giving the reader a deep sense of the ideas the author wanted to convey. The book focuses (generally) on how people judge each other due to ethnicity , stereotypes, and pure stupidity. More specifically, the constant misunderstanding between a race that lives each day in luxury and one that clings to the hope of surviving another day. Personally, my emotions towards these two men swayed with each different chapter. At some points my heart was with Delaney, while other times I pitied Candido and his wife America.
I began researching the book online - looking for interesting videos, websites, or criticism - when I stumbled upon an interesting movie trailer for The Tortilla Curtain made by some other students. Its music is very appropriate and the scenes are factual to the book.
Let's swerve away from the actual text....shall we? The topic of illegal immigrants is the basis of this novel -this is a very controversial yet interesting topic to research. Should immigrants from Mexico be allowed to cross the border into the United States? Clearly, they should not. There comes a point in time when to many immigrants has a negative effect. If I continue my research on this on going issue of border control and the number of illegal aliens entering the United States, my next blog will be focused on the facts; it will settle any misunderstood thoughts and sentiments regarding this issue.
I began researching the book online - looking for interesting videos, websites, or criticism - when I stumbled upon an interesting movie trailer for The Tortilla Curtain made by some other students. Its music is very appropriate and the scenes are factual to the book.
Let's swerve away from the actual text....shall we? The topic of illegal immigrants is the basis of this novel -this is a very controversial yet interesting topic to research. Should immigrants from Mexico be allowed to cross the border into the United States? Clearly, they should not. There comes a point in time when to many immigrants has a negative effect. If I continue my research on this on going issue of border control and the number of illegal aliens entering the United States, my next blog will be focused on the facts; it will settle any misunderstood thoughts and sentiments regarding this issue.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The Cream Colored Skin Connection

The wind blew past my face making goose bumps rise along my outstretched arms. I gripped the wheel tight and continued down the road basking in the sunlight that danced behind the tree tops. My mind wandered; I let the air and surroundings engulf me. Then I saw her. Cars shot passed mine as time stood still. A very stocky woman with long but thin black hair, her skin the color of a ceramic vase, waited at the side of the road. Immediately, thoughts of remorse, shame, and pity entered my mind – how could she be standing at the side of a highway; was she waiting to cross the stampede of cars? It was all in this one moment that I felt sorry for this Mexican girl. As I drove passed her down the road late for my nail appointment I could think only of the book I have been reading for english class, what a perfect connection to the book that has inched its way into my daily life.
Some might find this book distasteful because of its underpinnings of racism. But I on the other hand find the book intriguing. The Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle expands the mind of the reader; it allows for two worlds to collide worlds that would have never weaved together. The novel is unlike any other I have read. Instantly in the first few chapters you begin to feel guilty; you finally realize how much you take for granted: food, water, shelter, work, and education. There are millions of people in the world who do not have the luxuries you and I have. And as you a reading this you might be thinking to yourself, oh I wish I had more clothes or I really want that new thing or Can I go there for Spring Break? WAKE UP! Sorry to break the truth to you so late in life but stop being so selfish. Trust me I know it is hard, because I am very selfish at times, but I am learning to appreciate what I have even more after starting this book. Okay, so I’m only six chapters into the book I’m going to read more now so expect another post from me in a few days when I have more material to work off of. But for now, here is a little fact that I stumbled upon through my research.
** Did you know that the leading country of illegal immigrants is Mexico? Their total is the highest with 5.9 million people. That number is climbing each day as Mexican cross the border. I have nothing agianst Mexicans and this is not a racist arguement. I just think that the amount of illegal people in the country should be way less depsite what country they orginate from. **
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Hardest Thing To Do: Forgive
For english class I was way ahead of the game and finished the book, The Sunflower by Simon Wiesenthal a week ago. As soon I began reading the story I was compelled to finish it the first night it was in my possession. Maybe it was becasue I could relate to the story that was being told; my grandma was also a Holocaust survivor, or it could have been Wiesenthal's language and style that kept me intrested. At the end of reading the entire book, I give nothing but good praise. But it was not until I started my creative assignment that I learned the most. I not only learned about the Holocaust and the trifles the Jewish people underwent, but I learned increasingly more about the man who attempted to hunt down Nazi soldiers years later Simon Wiesenthal. I have a lot of respect for Simon Wiesenthal and the tasks he accomplished after his survival of one of the most deadly genocides in history. He fought for his life and continued to fight until justice was served. His actions also provoke cosntant thought and attention, thus he remains one of the most respected Holocaust survivors. I wish I had the chance to meet him before he passed awy at age 96. Through my research for my project, I discovered this video that highlights Wiesenthal's life during and after the Holocaust; I found it to be very intresting and included it in my unit plan for the novel.Also for those intrested in the life of Simon Wiesnethal click this link: Simon Wiesenthal: A Nazi Hunter.
Simon Wiesenthal poses a question that is constantly thought about; it drives people insane. Would you have forgave a Nazi Soldier who confessed the deadly sins he preformed against your brothers and sisters, the Jewish people? How would you respond? What would you say? These are just a few questions I have thought about after reading. I can honeslty say that I have so much anamosity built up towards the Nazis that I know that they do not deserve forgiveness, or as a matter of fact, my attention. Simply, the Holocaust is a genocide that will never be forgotten and the soldiers who masacured the Jews will also never be forgotten and should never be granted forgiveness. One may call me harsh and ruthless but that is the truth. No one who murders anothor, no matter the reason, should be forgiven for their actions. Newton's Third Law was designed for a reason: For every action their is an equal and opposite reaction. German SS Soldiers who seek forgiveness will never find it; therefore, Simon Wiesenthal's decision to ignore the grant for forgivness is compeletly vaild and appropriate.
If you think you might be intresting in reading this book click the following link: book review this is an intresting and detailed book review [ book may be spoiled if read]
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
A Scrimmage Before Gameday
After September 11, 2001, all airports in the United States of America were mandated to improve their "airport safety;" in short, improvements to make certain that terrorists and bombs do not have a chance to enter an airplane. Interestingly enough, I read an article, written by Jeanne Meserve and Mike M. Ahlers, about a fake bomb tha
t passed airport security. Jason, a red team tester from the Transportation Security Administration, strapped a fake bomb to his lower back and proceed to follow the normal procedures. When walking through the metal detector the alarm sounded, not because of the bomb but for a different reason; he had metal screws in his knee. Jason then was asked to move to the side where he was then searched with a wand and padded down. When the security officer felt his lower back, Jason then explained it was a back brace for his "bum back" - he was then allowed to enter the airport where he would have boarded his plane.
This was absolutely shocking. After seven years of constant banter about airport safety, this proves that the airports are not as safe as they should be. Either procedures are not being followed or standards are not being met, which leaves loop holes for terrorists to find. Honestly, something must be done to make a hundred percent sure that the events of 9/11 will not occur again. If events like this one keeps up, I'm not sure how safe our country is or will be in the future. A red team leader commented, "Today ... was a scrimmage; every day, every time a passenger is coming through [airport security] -- that is game day;" i sure hope the team does not chock on these game days, otherwise there will be serious problems, (2007 Meserve). *To watch the video of Jason being searched click this link: Jason's video.
Another second article, similar to this one, is about a loaded gun that passed through security. Mr. George Scott Hinkle realized he had a loaded gun on him as he entered the airport, so he reported back to security and reported the error that was made. Unfortunately, he was then charged by the police with possession of a firearm in an airport terminal. Whether or not this is fair is up to one's own opinion.
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