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Life On A Differnt Planet
I regret to inform you that this week’s blog relates nothing to my independent projects that I am so feverishly working on. Instead, I have decided to discuss the ever popular question: Is there life on any other planet or moon besides the earth? This is a controversial topic in the astronomical science field and is discussed frequently. So is there life on mars? Scientists have deemed it possible. Recently, there was an article published on MSNBC regarding a newly taken photograph from one of NASA’s rovers that patrol the terrain on Mars. In a portion of one of the pictures one can see a shadowy figure or life form. Can this be real? There has been evidence to prove that there are the elements available on Mars to possibly procure a life form or at least support it. Similarly, I recently discovered an article discussing whether or not Saturn’s moon contained life or not. This article struck my eye; typically, extraterrestrial life is thought to be on Mars of all planets, and Saturn is unique. Enceladus is one of Saturn's moons. The first inkling NASA had to life being on Saturn is due to the ice polar cap in the south. There is a ice water geyser that is going to explode so an orbiter is going to do a fly by –
this is the closest encounter to the moon we have ever had before. This is the second time though the US has seen the geyser on Saturn before. Scientists are depending on this orbit to collect water vapor; this will be used to further understand the composition of the terrain of Saturn. There is a possibility that micro biotic organisms could be living on this planet. The following article from TIME further analyzes Saturn and NASA’s plan to uncover the truth.
Personally, I would be awed if life was found on any other planet but our own. Not only will that be the greatest discovery since light but also it will change the world dramatically. Think about it. Is it possible that life can survive on Mars? On Saturn? Yet, I do not believe that aliens or extraterrestrial beings exist. Those are creations of our imaginations; they are not real, but I don’t doubt that organisms can be living on these two planets.
[ For all of those interested in what I am reading next for my independent projects, I am beginning to read For Water Like Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. I am really excited to read this novel, because many students have recommended it.]
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